This has a red/white oak fingerboard, poplar valve rockers (painted red), basswood treble valves covered in gold craft paper, aluminum valve rods, maple plywood for bass and treble side faces, and cherry for the bass button box and accordion frame. I built the bellows solely off of the aforementioned video and a single picture I found off the interweb. They are made from craft cardboard and thin sheepskin leather. Total building cost: $150 for the reeds + $80 for everything else = ~$230-$250.
The bellows still need work, there are no treble buttons, some of the body needs finished, and i don't have any shiny metal corner brackets, so this is still a work in progress (when i feel like it).
Click here for some photos I took during the build.
Apart from instruments, i built a solid state Tesla coil a few years back. Photos||Video
As for the guitar. I bought plans off of Amazon and found a source for wood i can use for the guitar top. I plan to build the profile mold over christmas break. Unfortunately, progress will be very slow after this break, for i won't be home to work on it. The bulk of the work will be done after my spring semester.
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