-at the bottom front (covered from view by the white towel) water during wetsanding got underneath the lacquer and swelled the wood. Need to respray the area with an aerosol. Luckily, everything else is perfect, so i can completely button up everything else and worry about the spot later (it's an area about 1" by 4").
-Electronics went in smoothly, lacquer's intact. Both pickups work this time.
-Wetsanded with stewmacs papers: 800,1000,1200,1500,2000 grits. Buffed by hand with ScratchX 2.0 and buffed with stewmacs foam buffer with SwirlX.
-Installed gold keystone tuners this time. Drilled the screw holes for the tuners.
-This nitro lacquer reacts with the vinyl covers on my guitar stands (something i noticed before refinishing, when the lacquer pealed away on the neck and bottom), so the towels isolate the finish from the stand.
-I still need to finish shape the nut; buy and install a pickguard, truss rod cover, and strap buttons; and tidy up the lacquer around the fretboard.
Full update soon.
Go Stillers.
I've found out it's the padding material on the stand that reacts with the finish. My other guitar stand has a orangey colored clear rubber material. No adverse reactions there- just the black colored padding on the other. Laquer retarder aerosol spray on a rag worked for me instead of scraping and sanding. Anyone who runs across your guitar build should be thinking "that's really nice". Good job.